I love this short video from Scalextric. Makes me want to get their FAB1.
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They just need a Zero-X flying overhead now.
I love this short video from Scalextric. Makes me want to get their FAB1.
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They just need a Zero-X flying overhead now.
Check this marvel out, the Sugar Smacks FAB1 on a great cereals premium site, Cereal Offers.
I'm not sure I've seen this FAB1 before.
What do you think?
There are more Gerry Anderson premiums on the site too:
Remember this Pizza Hut cup lid from the early 90's. I had them all back then. Our daughter was 9 back then so we ate a lot of Pizza and Ice Cream from the Factory!
This FAB lid is from an old auction. Anyone got any more?
I saw this shocking pink Bentley Continental and thought .....
Can you think of any others?
Junior gave me his small Matchbox FAB1 to fettle.
This is just great! When I saw this I thought it was the JR21 FAB1 I had as a kid... but on a track!
Scalextric has done it again!
Waddaya reckon readers? FAB?
Years ago a single hit on Google was called a Googlewack. The name stuck with me and now and then I find one.
Here's another; contained within this superb Fab1 article on the ever-informative Dinky Toys TV and Space site is mention of a rare FAB1 custom model car made in 1982.
Its about two thirds down in the rarities and oddities section talking about two gold hand-made FAB1's. One is shown and another non-gold normal model is also shown on the company box. It looks amazing and a bit like a JR21 toy FAB1 but more detailed.
Anyways I wont say the name of the company, S, or the model maker, DM* and FAB1 in the same sentence as that would explode the Googlewack!
* I have read separately that DM was previously the Marketing Director at Dinky Meccano before setting up his own model company, S.
I stumbled across this whilst looking for something for the sidebar but its just too cool so here it is on the blog proper.
FAB1 in the Blue Peter studios back in summer 1968.
Its HUGE! They're all in it! Noaksy, Peter and Valerie! Maybe Shep as well!
What do you think? Do you remember this on TV?
This 2000 AD Annual 1980 was part of a large lot of books that came my way last month.
I was never a 2000 AD reader but I now appreciate the effort and following of the comic that emerged in the decaying end of the Seventies.
Browsing through I was attracted to the reds of Dan Dare.
My query yesterday about the size of the Thunderbird front-end 2 prop used by Century 21 got me thinking about the size of FAB1's used in Thunderbirds.
Specifically I've been wondering if they ever used the toy versions of FAB1 in the show? - For distance shots maybe and namely the Dinky and JR21 FAB1's, both available from 1966 onwards I think.
There's no mention of them in Marc J. Fratassio's resume of the models used in Thunderbirds
or his gallery of die-casts used in the show
http://www.lestersdomain.org/superm/tbirds/diecasts-gallery.html and http://www.lestersdomain.org/superm/tbirds/diecasts.html
so its probably a non-starter.
image: ewbank auctions
Seeing the size of FAB1 against Thunderbird 2 on Thunderbirds Wiki it struck me that FAB1 could have easily driven into the TB2 pod.
This is the Maks toy Royal Car, a version of which we have all seen recently on the TV during the sad rituals of the Queen's passing.
Have you got a royal car?
Have you ever seen the real thing, maybe, sadly, this past week?
Looking at this famous shot of Derek Meddings and the Fireflash [courtesy of lester demon nl] I can see various die-cast toy vehicles just below the control tower [what can you see?]
I'm glad they cite Thunderbirds as the source for the name FAB1! They've made millions off it!
This was interesting, a take on the history of FAB1 by Marc of Sixmania. Part 2 is linked in the article.
What did you think?