I saw this lot on auction ages ago and saved the snap because of that strange white torpedo like motorbike at the front. It has a blue rider and the number 9.
Anyone any idea what it is?
I saw this lot on auction ages ago and saved the snap because of that strange white torpedo like motorbike at the front. It has a blue rider and the number 9.
Anyone any idea what it is?
My latest project is inspired by Mattel's Chopcycles, the motorbike versions of Sizzlers.
I picked up two Matchbox Super Kings Mod Trailers to get me started, one for best and one spare. My chopper will be bigger than Mattel's.
Tomorrow I'll paint the spoiler and chrome the engine.
Time for a cuppa and Pilates!
When I was making my copy Boneshaker below I came across quite a few boney bike toys.
Here's Mattel's glorious 1973 original Boneshaker.
Here's Mattel's Chopcycles Ghost Rider. Chopcycles were a motorcycle version of Sizzlers. I adore the flowing stylised ghost. Those Mattel designers were something else back then.
Sunday was a washout but I got some modelling done.
It started well on the Rrrumblers Rip Code mock Wheels. I made a pivot for the body.
Ideal's Derry Daring was their mid-70's homage to female stunt motorcyclist Debbie Lawler.
Capturing the whoosh of the Evel Knevel craze, Derry 's daring didn't last long sadly, cancelled in 1976, but her hey day was immortalised in colour TV ads.
Here's the Wheelie Car one courtesy of You Tube.
Do you remember Derry?
Did you have some Evel?
These are new to me - and to the blog I think, a display card of space motorbikes from Japan.
I saw it on auction so saved the image.
I adore the header art. Looks like a Shigeru Komatsuzaki to me. What do you think?
The toy is difficult to make out. It maybe transparent.
I like these vintage plastic motorbikes.
They were made in Hong Kong and model numbered 303 on the base.
I have the red one. You?
I've been drooling over Randy Grubb's American workshop.
He's like the king of chromium plating!
In an Art Deco world Randy would be royalty. Just take a look at his chrome motorbike, the Decoson.
I loved CHiPS when I was a kid. A real treat on the tellybox. Those bikes! Wow! Those bike cops were just so damn cool.
I don't think I had any CHiPs toys. I may have had an annual. So its always a thrill to see CHiPs toys and sets and its clear to me they were mega popular in South America judging by the old toys available there.
Here's the CHiPs MOTO-PISTA set, which I reckon is a generic motorcycle race set that's been liveried for fans of the show. See what you think.
Did you like CHiPs?