MC reader and fellow blogger Kid very kindly alerted me to the current sale of TV21 issue 243 this week. It is being sold seperately.
For fans of Project SWORD in particular it will be on interest as it contains a new text story and illustration. The story, Ring of Fire, was penned by Shaqui Le Vesconte [founder of the late Gerry Anderson Complete Comics History] and illustrated by Paul MCCaffrey.
The story and art represent the first 'official' addition to the Project SWORD literary canon since it folded in TV21 comic in 1969.
You may recall that Paul McCaffrey donated his original artwork to Moonbase Central as a competition prize and Network did the same with a copy of TV21 issue 243 a couple of years ago.
For those of you who wish to perhaps celebrate 50 years of Project SWORD or maybe add one final TV21 to your collection then consult Kid's article on the sale of the new comic on his fab blog here, Crivens! Comics and Stuff. No point me re-inventing the wheel.
Let Kid or me know what you think.
As an aside, I do recall Scoop saying that the TV21-styled programme from the latest Fanderson con, Special Assisgnment this year contained another project SWORD story, by Sam Denham, which I've yet to have a look see.
The Fanderson cover is pictured below. Has anyone read it? The Fanderson sales link is here for this - scroll to bottom. Only members can purchase unless its on Ebay or similar.