Hello Woodsy
I found these postcards. I bought them in either 1957 or 1961 in Switzerland and had thought they were Swiss but in fact they are German.
I thought they had a quite amazing amount of detail but the real joy was finding shops with window displays of toy versions. There were large sets similar to the staged postcards but more importantly for my pocket money there were 3" high figures.
They had articulated limbs so they could be posed. I'm sure that somewhere in the boxes of my parents things my Friar Tuck like, Monk Hedgehog still lifts his glass of beer in good cheer. Finding that is for another day.
Why hedgehogs of all creatures?
I remember that there were hundreds of different toys, judging by quality several makers, and lots of postcards which were displayed in much the same way as the saucy postcards at British sea side resorts.
There may even have been astronaut versions?
Have you come across Mecki?