At first, I wasn't going to send these out fearing we've been 'Hustled' enough!
But after taking a better look at the photos it occurred to me that the logo on the vertical stabilizer resembled the Project Sword logo! It's the same size as the Linemar Hustler but is only marked 'Japan'. The jet came to me pretty cheap as the bottom of both outboard nacelles are missing.
From Vegas Air Field
Ed Berg kindly sent me these photographs of his beautiful Made in Japan B-58 Hustler toy. He mentioned the similarity of the logo on the tail to the Project Sword logo.
I just had a look to see if the markings on the toy are accurate, and they are. It was a scheme used on the early test aircraft.
I am not sure about the serial number. The only Hustlers that had serial numbers beginning with a 5 were the two XB-58 prototypes (55-0660 and 55-0661), and the eleven YB-58A test aircraft, some of which were later converted to TB-58A trainers (55-0662 to 0672).
The serial on the toy is 50682, which is not a match for a real Hustler number, but it is close. The arrowhead design on the fin is repeated on the forward fuselage, it is just a little harder to see against the natural metal finish.
A big thank you to Ed for the great photos.
The attached photograph is from the Wikipedia page on the B-58, and shows 55-0661, the second XB-58 built.
Paul Adams
New Zealand