Cor! Seeing these instructions for IDEAL's Curse of the Cobras game took me right back to when I first started collecting old toys circa 1990.
I bought this big boxed game from a work colleague, who's son was selling all his old toys. It was the first great deal I'd made and my colleague and her son were chuffed with the fifty pounds they got.
I got this game, two Dinky FAB1's, a ton of small plastic toys, some board games and a Green Hornet Black Beauty.
It set me off on the road I'm still on now 35 years later!
Alas, the Curse of the Cobras has long gone. I recall fixing some parts and printing out the instructions from the net, probably from Board Game Geek, which I used a lot back then. These are the scans from the time. Happy Days!
Do you remember your first great deal?