A fantasy design from Matchbox, the Hypersonic Jet can fly at Mach 5 or higher (the Concorde could only manage Mach 2). The model is actually very similar to a Concorde, with just a few changes. The wings on the real Concorde curve downwards slightly, on the Hypersonic Jet the tips are angled upwards.
The biggest changes are around the tail. Instead of a single fin, there are twin fins, which are canted outwards; with a board, flat rear fuselage. The four engines are mounted on the underside of the wing, just as on Concorde.
Only the white upper fuselage, including the nose tip, small canards, and twin fins, are metal. The lower fuselage and wings are orange plastic. These are held together with four rivets. The undercarriage is black plastic. The wheels do not rotate. Length 118mm; wingspan 63mm.
The colour scheme is orange and white, with black, white, yellow, and orange printing. Matchbox World Airlines. M Airlines appears on the fins, with the number SB70 on the wings. The model has previously been released in a number of other colour schemes, but this is probably the nicest, and most realistic looking.
Moulded in to the underside is the usual collection of names and dates. The Matchbox name is half hidden by the port main undercarriage. The copyright date is 2015, Mattel. SB134 just ahead of the nosewheel. Made in THAILAND appears beneath the starboard wing.
The model comes in a clear plastic bubble, glued to a backing card. The model is shown flying low over a city filled with skyscrapers. Copyright date on the back of the card is 2021, number 16 of 31 models in the 2021 Sky-Busters range.
This is a very nice model, and would have been right at home in Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet. What do you think?
Paul Adams from New Zealand