In the 1990's I acquired my Century 21 Project SWORD Cape Kennedy Set. It came with a soft plastic red remote control with two yellow buttons.
Only years later did I find out that this remote was the wrong one. It should have looked like the stick unit below.
I had thought that maybe mine was another Century 21 remote unit like the one on this Thunderbird 1 but its not the same.
So I was amazed to see yet another Project SWORD toy this year with the same one when this Scramble Bug appeared on Ebay with the same red remote as mine. The remote's cable is inserted where the toy's on-off switch would normally be.
This is it from the inside.
In an attempt to ID this red remote and see whether it may have been standard practice by toy companies to use it instead of the original I had a good look round for other examples.
One I found was this Lincoln steerable Bulldozer. On the box the advertised remote is the stick type not dissimilar to that of the C21 Cape Kennedy Set.
However the actual toy has that red remote again!
What is going on readers? Is their a remote chance that when toy companies ran out of stick controls they stuck on a cheaper red unit instead? Or was it techy kids or is it modern collectors changing the remotes? What do you think?