Spectrum Helicopters a go go! These are the Century 21 licensed Bandai originals, which I've stored in my photo archive from various auctions. There are three different blister packs I've come across on Ebay but their could be more.
As in any Spectrum search there have been many interesting cul-de-sacs and false landings. Here are a few of them.
Processed Plastics
Sanchis of Spain
Sky Tour [make unknown]
Like many of the mythical toys that we featured in the first six months of the blog in 2008, when we posed the question 'does it actually exist', the answer only revealed itself years later. Fortunately this particular myth turned to reality and to my astonishment the Traffic Patrol spectrum helicopter actually surfaced.
Coloured blue, here it is with its rotors and white/ red torpedoes [top left, T.Harle] and below we have the toy close up in all its glory [A.Cook]. Despite missing it's rotor blades it's a great looking helicopter and far better looking than I expected. the black and white picture I first saw in 1994 doesn't do it justice. Myth busted and more to follow!