Here's another miniature Japanese Zero-X.
Spotted online by fellow Anderson fan Terry H, this multi-coloured OX is less common than the Morinaga version.
Its also far less accurate in its design.
It forms part of a small fleet of plastic miniature Thunderbirds toys and flat figures, which also includes the orange Radar Car above, a sort of stretch Thunderbirds SpaceX Tractor T5 with an antenna.
They were made by Japanese candy giant Glico.
Interestingly in Dennis Nicholson's guide to Anderson memorabilia [the bible] a similar flat figure is shown next to a small plastic Wombat Air Force Jet and described as Guriko gifts as shown below.
I now think that Guriko is the same as Glico in the way that Gojira is Godzilla.
Am I right?
Or are Guriko and Glico different companies?
Have you any Japanese Thunderbirds candy toys?