I've just attended a training course. Yes, after work training, which you could do without.
One of the annoying things about training courses is the language used. I suppose its jargonese. Even trainese if such a word exists! It should!
The language of training has been used so often that it has become meaningless.
A good example is toolbox and tools, as in 'these are a few strategies you could have in your toolbox!". Its gibberish, unless of course you actually own a proper box full of real tools. Not some fuzzy notion of how our brain operates.
Strategy is another one. Just add this to your growing pool of strategies! What? What does it mean for God's sake. Why not use plain English and say - add it on to how you normally do things.
Which leads me to "pack". 'Here's your training pack' proclaims the trainer. Where? Its just 4 pages of typing stapled together! How is that a pack? Surely a pack would entail a folder at least and a few bits and bobs besides paper. Maybe even a chocolate and a pen!
Even worse than pack and my number one bete noire at training sessions is the word resource. Its been so overused that its function has become lost in a billion presentations.
If I ever hear phrases like 'these are useful resources you should deploy' or 'a resource pack will be made available to you' again I will run screaming for the exit!
have you experienced similar language where you are?
have you experienced similar language where you are?