The common Johnny Seven phone set, but the nicer box art.
The Jostar / Cowan de Groot Disney phone set … made in Yugoslavia .
and finally, the clever Mattel-O-Phone (geddit?) where you can talk to your imaginary friends via the records supplied. Could never get it to work properly though!
Re. yesterday's mystery Chock O Block wrapper post, Reader Lewis thinks that the gold wrapper may be from the back of the McVities captain scarlet chocolate bar set , and I think he may be right , as these wrappers came to me at the same time.
My customer who bought me that box of bits awhile ago bought a few more things for me the other day. What looks to be a Cecil Coleman supercar and also the Airfix Fireball XL5 . I shall be attempting restorations on both. there are also lots of other bits which I will email to you in due course.
I think these were the world's first injection moulded plastic kits. not bad for nearly 90 years old! Some Moonbasers who like kits might be interested .
Not the usual, it may be of interest to some Moonbase readers. My Father's, this is one of the Triang Minic super sets from the mid-1960s. The vehicles are plastic with friction motors.
Hi Paul. Your action man astronaut may need transportation.
Here's my Space capsule signed by Scott Carpenter, one of the original Mercury 7. He said he’d never seen one before and thought it was a very good model.
Hi . The finished restos as best as I can do them. Airfix stingray just needed a clean. Plaston stingray stripped and re painted to the minimal style of the original. Missing The stingray stickers though. The box unfolded quite nicely however. Fab 1 stripped and re chromed. The SPC just re assembled, although the plastic was quite brittle. Kept me quiet for hours. Such fun! Will O.
Fab 1 stripped and repaired. Plaston stingray stripped. Used Revell paint remover in a sealed plastic bag. This left a white bloom on the plastic which disappears when wiped over with oil. The paint remover also took the chrome off the bumpers , radiator and lights, but I resprayed these with the new Revell chrome spray, which is brilliant (literally) .
One of my customers bought in a box of goodies for me yesterday. Looks to be some nice things in it. Will send some more pictures when I’ve had a sort through. Will O.
One of the biggest plastic cars I’ve come across is the Sindy MGB. At 18 inches long , it’s obviously big enough to fit Sindy in. It’s made from that greasy blow-moulded plastic like the large action man vehicles.