Currently out and about a lot this week as its the half term break - car boot sales and the like - so I'm not able to respond to comments yet but here's a baker's dozen more vague words I'm emailing to the blog via a friends phone:
1. Playworn - is the same as paint loss when describing a die-cast car?
2. Kitbash - is it the same as mash-up?
3. Crossover [comics] - is it the same as mash-up?
4. Mottled - is the same as foxed?
5. Jeweled headlights - does this mean glass headlights?
6. Plastic fatigue - does this mean cracked?
7. Code 3 [Die cast] - does this mean third generation or custom?
8. Vintage - does it mean pre-1970 or later?
9. Kitsch - is this the same as retro?
10. Shabby chic - is this the same as Kitsch?
11. Junk - simply rubbish?
12. Like new - does this mean nearly new? Old but new? What?
13. Scratchbiult - is it the same as custom?