Searching the net in other languages can be fun and rewarding. Last night, using Google translate, I got myself zenned up with a few Japanese characters and had a look for some new Nichimo Carboat Pioneer images. This model from 1963 was the direct forerunner of the 1967 Century 21 Project SWORD Moon Ranger. Mostly on auction sites here's the new images I've found.
1963 Nichimo Catalogue with the Pioneer on the cover!
1963 Nichimo catalogue page showing the other three Carboats. Can't find the page covering the Pioneer except the cover above. Doh!
Pioneer model instruction sheet, full length and in close-up, showing a great black and white illustration of the vehicle's side view.
The kit contents laid out showing the pilot neatly bagged up.
Japanese marvels grouped: the Pioneer and the amphicar are both from the same Carboat range.
Monochrome shot of the Pioneer possibly from a catalogue? I've still no idea what JUSP 1-5 or JUSPI - 5 means on the vehicle's side. Anyone?
The Challenger, a similarly tracked vehicle kit to the Pioneer. Unsure if this is Nichimo or not.
And finally, some new You Tube footage of the Pioneer in action - on a Japanese bed!