There's something about lie-ins that are simply indescribably wonderful. Sundays is the perfect day for a lie-in. Its warm, snug and sleepy. What's not to like. And since Sunday is the traditional day for doing nothing it makes perfect sense! Do you enjoy a lie-in or are you up and about early on Sundays?
Can't recall though if I had a lie-in as a kid. Saturday had its morning TV like Danger Island, Shazan and the Banana Splits show so I can't see me dawdling in my pit too long. Then again going to school for five days was quite knackering so I will have needed my kip. Sundays I had to go to church. Sacred Heart for the morning mass. My Mum took me. Took us all. I think it was 11 am. I yawned my head off so maybe I didn't get much of a lie-in after all. Getting ready will have taken ages! And besides I don't think there was anything to watch on TV at all on Sundays in the UK in the Sixties.
In my adult stage I require coffee after a lie-in. Lots of freshly brewed coffee. Eggs, bacon and buttered toast go really well with it too! Do you drink coffee and enjoy a hot breakfast at the weekends readers? Or are you healthy and go for muesli and yoghurt and maybe a kale smoothie?
What do you remember about weekend mornings as a kid readers?
To get into the spirit of an old style Sixties and Seventies Weekend morning here's a couple of YT clips to start Sunday properly! Enjoy!