I recently had a few days away in the lovely county of
Wiltshire, and took time to visit to the ancient site of Stonehenge.
Although, these standing stones are what remain of a
Neolithic monument, dating back some 5000 years, some people just see it as a
pile of old rocks which are a lot smaller when you see them in real life.
Well, while there’s some truth in that simple observation, I
think it’s fair to say that anyone with even the smallest amount of
imagination can’t help but be intrigued by this mysterious structure, and the
myths that surround it.
With the true aspects of Stonehenge still open to much
debate, and its true purpose lost in the passing of time, writers old and new
have let their imaginations run riot over the years – my money’s on an ancient
flying saucer landing pad!
Unsurprisingly, Superheroes have done battle at Stonehenge,
although it is a fact that Druids only turned up at Stonehenge a thousand years
after it ceased to be used for any religious purposes.
The BBC filmed an episode of Doctor Who (The Pandorica
Opens) at Stonehenge, although they had to abide by several regulations. No one
was allowed to touch the stones, nor bring heavy equipment in, and any lighting
had to be mounted on the floor.
was over one night, and during an hour of daylight. As this proved restrictive,
additional scenes were shot at Margam Country Park, Port Talbot, Wales, using a
lightweight replica of Stonehenge called ‘ Foamhenge’!
For me though, Stonehenge conjures up thoughts of just one
film – Night of The Demon aka Curse of The Demon.
Filmed in 1957, Dana Andrews starred as Dr John Holden, a
fictional American psychologist visiting Britain to investigate a series of
murders attributed to supernatural means.
Shortly after his arrival, he meets occultist Julian
Karswell who, unbeknown to Holden passes him a parchment containing ancient
runic symbols.
After discovering he has been cursed, Holden visits
Stonehenge and compares Karswell’s parchment with the ancient pagan symbols
carved into the rock.
Does Stonehenge hold the key?
“It has been written,
since the beginning of time,
Even unto these
ancient stones
That evil,
supernatural creatures exist in a world of darkness.
And it is also said
that Man, using the magic power of the ancient runic symbols,
Can call forth these
powers of darkness: the demons of Hell…