A youngster tried to convince me recently that Paul McCartney is actually dead and who we see is a lookalike. Evidence for this startling claim included the registration plate of the VW Beetle on the cover of Abbey Road, which purportedly alludes to his death [having just looked I couldn't read it] and the fact that Mr. McCartney has no shoes on the LP cover as he strides across the Zebra crossing. Why being shoeless should denote deceasement is beyond me!
Being an avid car booter and charity shopper and netter of second hand toys I am noticing increasingly that old batteries are simply left in toys! How inconvenient for the toy collector! Yep, leaky batteries have become the bane of my life of late. Is this a problem for you readers?
I recently had a discussion with the Missus about a favourite biscuit from the past, the lemon puff. Basically a hard lemony cream filling sandwiched between two layers of puff pastry. Yes, it was almost a cake! My Missus said they were still around. I said definitely not. Any idea readers?
I recently saw a youngster spitting. I realised that I'd not seen anything like it - the deliberate slow release of spittle towards the ground - since the Seventies when I was a young 'un. The stock in trade of tough kids back then, gobbin' as it was known was everywhere and you did well not to fall into a pool of thick mucus once you left the house! Do you remember kids spitting?
Is it just me or have the films that Caroline Munro's Friday Night Cellar Club airs become obscurer? What happened to Hammer films? I find I've never heard of what's being shown now. Is it just me?