I do love a good knockoff and a mega hit like Masters of the Universe spawned many a tacky He-Man. Here's a few I've seen this year.
Do you have any?
I bet kids loved them at Christmas!
Slender legs
[possibly a Galaxy rider]
Barbarella's angel!
I do love a good knockoff and a mega hit like Masters of the Universe spawned many a tacky He-Man. Here's a few I've seen this year.
Do you have any?
I bet kids loved them at Christmas!
Slender legs
[possibly a Galaxy rider]
Barbarella's angel!
I'm enjoying looking for and finding knockoff wrestlers from the 80's and 90's at the mo.
In fact any action figure with those classic Masters of the Universe big thighs and bent knees wherever possible or if not, obvious wrestler knockoffness.
With a little patience at boot sales the bendy fellas give themselves up. Its great fun tracking them down and more often than not there are always one or two at a sale and its reassuring to come home with a result.
Here's a bundle I've recruited this year.
Back row LtoR: Tall Redpants and Boley wrestler,
Middle row LtoR: American gladiator, unknown bended soldier, headless Hulk Hogan, soft rubber Galaxy Beast Warrior
Front Row: Lion-O Thundercats miniature
I love this toy photo, which I saw on Robb Report [what is that?]
These look like modern re-issues of MOTU figures - Skeletor and friends? - but its the golden lighting in the shadow that I like so much.
Do you like it?
but you may not know about its brass 'battlecat' relative.
I certainly didn't when I first saw one in Bradford's 4everetro shop, priced £125.
It was complete mystery to me!
The friendly proprietor explained that they were basically fancy goods, which had turned up on brass ornament market stalls years ago.
Looking further into this mysterious feline I found, well, a LOT of them!
There's a whole cattery of ornamental tigers and looking at the many online discussions/ videos and listings its clearly fascinating to many toy collectors and MOTU fans.
For example, below is a 'Siberian tiger' I found pictured on Etsy. Looks like the Battlecat to me!
Here's is a Chinese tiger ashtray.
Here's a Chinese panther.
and here's a plastic tiger.
So, is the brass tiger a copy of the Mattel Battlecat or simply a very moggy coincidence?
What do you think readers? Can you shed any light on this feline?
The Missus and me wandered round a modern toy shop looking for Star Wars figures last week.
There weren't any but there were lots of Kong and Godzilla toys. I was surprised there were so many. Its a relatively old film now isn't it, Kong V. Godzilla?
I thought Wow! when I saw this old 45's case online.
Masters of the Universe no less!
I've never seen it before but I love those MOTU graphics!
Did you have a record case?
[is tote an American term?]
These guys arrived at Junior's house on his birthday.
Playmobil Mars Mission and Masters of the Universe.
That space station could almost be Triang SpaceX!
Do you have a space station?