Back when I was a wee anklebiter in the family home in Preston, it would have been Christmas 1967 and 1968 when I got my Project SWORD toys. Santa delivered the the SWORD Annual in 1968 too. SpaceX toys came along Christmas 1970. Or was it 1969? Alas, I don't have any family photo's of Christmasses back then so I can't check what else I got at the same time.
Just looking at the dates again it does seem odd that I got my SWORD toys a whole 2 years before my SpaceX. It's a long time to wait, from being 8 years old to the grand old age of 10! Did the space craze last much beyond 1970?
When did you get your SWORD or SpaceX toys as a kid in your neck of the woods? Did you get Century 21 SWORD toys, Tarheel SWORD toys, Tri-ang SpaceX, Multiple Golden Astronaut Imperial Apollo Moon Exploring or others? Did you get SWORD toys before SpaceX?
Did anyone actually get any of the SWORD or SpaceX knockoffs as a kid by the likes of Hover, Hoover, Roxy etc?
Me [left] circa summer 1967 with toy die-cast cap rifle [make?] and chum, David Hindle.
Butlins Holiday Resort, maybe Minehead.