Back in October 2008 I blogged about an amazing Zero X gun target game from Japan. The box cover featured the OX and two Thunderbirds characters, Scott and Lady Penelope. The pistol inside was a lot like the Lost In Space Roto Jet Gun. As it appeared in those first few months on the blog, like a few other toys, it has taken on something of a legendary status.
So, you can imagine how excited I was when superspotter Terry recently spotted this Zero X pistol with very similar box art!
Its a lovely boxed ray gun, once more from Japan. It doesn't appear to include picture targets like the roto gun. I'm sure I've seen the toy gun before but Just can't think where! You?
I love the box art with the Zero X flying over Scott and Penelope, along with a few more TB craft.
Here we can see the gold Century 21 sticker on the side so we know it was a licenced toy, most probably from the time Thunderbirds first aired in Japan in the Sixties. The maker remains a mystery [maybe its in Dennis Nicholson's book?]. What do you think the 09 means, which appears all over the box readers?