I watched Thor late last night. You know, the Chris Hemsworth Marvel flick.
I always liked Thor as a Kid in the Sixties and seventies and have done ever since.
His appearance on the cover of the 1968 Fantastic Annual cemented his Godly status for me. It was one of my favourite annuals and the initial strip where he battles Magneto's submarine has stayed with me.
In fact I still have a copy of the annual, which I picked up years ago at a Car Boot sale.
I never dressed up as Thor as a young super hero probably because I don't think Thor outfits were in UK shops. You could get Batman clobber allover the place including and most importantly toy shops, the main source of all things childish back then.
The thing that Thor did have that I wanted badly was his hammer.
I could never say its name - Mjölnir - and still can't confidently get my chops around it. I imagine many people have this problem as Thor's hammer seldom comes up in everyday conversation these days. Or could that be a general lack of interest in the Thunder God? We should at least mention his hammer on Thursday, the very day named after him!
But I digress. I had Knight's swords, Secret Agents' pistols, Roman shields, Batman's pistol and a huge plastic toy club.
No Thor's Hammer though. It would have made such a great plastic toy. I can see it now in a large bag with a fabulously Asgardian header card where Loki lurks near the price tag.
That hammer may have swung the tide of battle for me in my eternal struggle with the forces of the dark, my older brothers. Mjölnir would have shut them up!
As it was I had to rely on my Daniel Boone play set, my Secret Sam spy case and my Johnny Seven in holding back the evil horde!
Did you ever dress up as Thor or have any Thor things readers?