Laughing Bags: I adored these little bags containing what I assume must have been a miniature record player like the one in the Talking Batmobile and the pull-string talking Action Man.
In fact any talking toy of the Sixties and Seventies; there wasn't any other technology really that could do it other than small 'records' with a stylus. Or?
I still have a couple of talking devices, one in an old chimp and one in the Marx Talking Batmobile, alas, both of these in bits in the loft.
My fave laughing bag was the one I had in a life size rubber skull in the late Sixties. I adored that skull. You activated the bag by squeezing the sides of the skull and pressing the bag. It emitted a cackling laughing sound that was perfect for the human skull toy.
Alas my skull left me at some point in my childhood but I liked it so much I tracked down another one on Ebay about 15 years ago. It didn't have the bag of laughter in it but I was able to shove one in through its neck hole. Voila, it was 1968 allover again!
Did you or do you have a laughing bag?