Ever since we got Waddington's Battle of the Little Big Horn Board Game at home in the Sixties I've liked seeing white toy horses.
One such white horse I liked featured in the Planet of the Apes Target set, one of those wonderful blister rack toys by Multiple ToyMakers of the USA. When I could afford it I bought a set at the NEC show. I was thrilled but it was a pretty penny I can tell you.
I no longer have my set but here's an auction example of the Planet of the Apes Target Set complete with Multiple's house style trotting white horse. Have you ever seen a more wonderful rack toy!
The explosion of fabulous TV shows in the Seventies like POTA garnered more toy horses and here's another from Multiple's growing stable, the Kung Fu Target Set. I imagine Kwai Chang Kane did ride a horse. He was in the Wild West after all!
You can't tie a good horse up and here's two, yes two, in Multiple's Lone Ranger and Tonto Target Set. This time the horses come in different shades.
Never a company to miss a trick Multiple re-issued and re-used everything. After all they were called Multiple Toymakers. Here's the Lone Ranger boxed up to the max in their 1971 Lone Ranger train set. Somewhere in there is our white horse [other box sets were issued for Planet of the Apes and Kung Fu too! Well of course they were!]
It would make sense that the white horse was trotting around from the start.
Here it is in Multiple's Wagons pack, which I assume is from the Sixties, though I'm not sure.
Similarly here's a neddy in 4 Wagons of the West, which sounds like a film title! One of the coaches is called a Surrey, which I never knew. I used to live in Surrey here in England!
if you weren't satisfied with one or two horses you get multiple steeds in a bag too!
That's enough white horses for one Sunday morning. Needless to say this is but a brief canter around Multiple Toymaker's vast saddlery and I'm aware there are countless variations, in particular the Wild West and the Lone Ranger. Maybe you have some?
If you have anything like this leave a comment or send in a snap.
[all pictures above courtesy of Worthpoint]