Reader Koestenbraunstar commented this morning on his new Pon Pon Space Car toy.
Now I'm in no way a Microman or Micronauts expert. I'm not even a fan really as the whole line passed me by.
However I do appreciate a good sci-fi toy range whatever it is and I'm always interested in knockoffs.
So it was gratifying to hear from a Mircroman fan that the Space Pon Pon Car fitted right into his collection.
This got me thinking. Are there more Microman-Micronauts knockoffs? To find any I thought I'd best bone up on the genuine stuff first so I read this excellent summary on That Figures.
Armed with basic info [always risky!] I set off to look for more Micro-knockoffs.
Browsing my old pal the Space Pon Pon car again I found what appears to be a colour variation of the pilot. Rather than lime green this fella's dark green. Is this darker green more Micromanish - or less?
Can a genuine Micronauts figure fit in it cuckoo-like?
Oddly enough this search took me very close to home as there's a Space Pon Pon car available in Whitby on the Yorkshire coast [unless its gone that is. The Space Car, not Whitby!]
Next up on this voyage of piracy was an old friend too and something about which I once asked 'What the Hell is it?" in my Ugly Space Toys run of posts.
Reader Lance knew and said at the time. Yep, its a Microman bootleg alright and here it is, the Climbleader Pioneer No.1 Car. Has anyone got one with a Microman or Micronauts figure sat in it?
The white trailer behind the Climbleader really calls to mind the yellow 02 trailer in the old Playmates Space Station line pictured below. Do you agree?
For some reason the name of the Climbleader Pioneer No.1 Car reminded me of this old Lucky toy, Lunar Probe No.1 I featured on MC 10 years ago! It's probably just the No.1! Doh!
OK, getting back to Micro matters proper, I dug a little deeper into the Micro-soil and found the Climbleader is in fact a knockoff an a genuine Microman vehicle by Takara, the Climbleader Police Keeper shown below. So there it is!
My foray into the microverse of false idols took me once again to a question I posed on MC 3 years ago. I'll re-phrase it for the thread of this post - can the Fisher Price X-Ray Man and Woman be classed as Microman relatives?
As a reminder here are the X-Ray couple
Further fishing in the Micro-sea inevitably brings you to Denys. That's Denys Fisher and his Strawberry Fayre line of Cyborgs and Mutons. These really do look Micronauty but I couldn't see them on That Figure's summary, so I ask you guys, are they related to Microman and Micronauts?
Here's a Muton with his rubber gloves on [he's about to do the Micro-dishes of course!]
And so, this particular voyage into Micro-mismanagement is over.
Have you ant Micro-knockoffs or bootlegs or indeed Micronauts themselves you would like to see pictured on MC? All welcome.
All that remains for me to do is introduce the original Microman in my opinion,
Robert the Robot from Fireball XL5!
[I wonder what colour the original translucent body was?]