Having taken up Amazon on a trial period of their Prime service I am currently watching their series American Gods.
Last night I watched 5 straight episodes. I was hooked. I say was because my initial thrill is wearing off, which always happens to me during long series like this. The same happened with the Flash and Luke Cage. I stopped watching as the long conversations, modern characterisations and basic soapiness just got on my wick
Anyways, American Gods. I love Neil Gaiman's idea. Gods and magical creatures existing alongside us puny humans. Its a concept that has fascinated us since, well, the dawn of time. I immediately think of Clash of the Titans and Jason and the Argonauts from my youth as well as Thor of course. I suppose Superman to some extent as well.
More recent examples would have to include the US TV series Grimm and the superb Swedish series Jordskott, which for some reason never got a second series. It was just brilliant.
American Gods is less subtle but equally compelling. At the start at least. The initial scene were several hundred arrows hit a single hapless Viking gives a hint of the spectacular imagery to come. The acting is excellent, the photography is magnificent and the visions created on screen are quite breathtaking. I can think of many: the fire bison, the bleeding hammer, the Queen of Sheba's bedside manner.
What sets it apart say from Jordskott is the violence. Gods is uber-violent. Blood and guts fly round the screen in wild abandon. The carnage is beautifully filmed and as such is all the more unsettling to watch. It is certainly not for more gentle souls and the extreme language and sex makes sure you know this is adult material early on.
Amazon's American Gods is most definitely not for children.
Are you watching?