Stephen's Lack's haunting Jailed Clown painting shown earlier today triggered a distant memory of another clown, one that was part of my childhood.
It may well have been part of yours and I just hope the clown concerned didn't feel jailed. In a way he was.
I'm talking about the clown on the TV screen at the back of the Corgi Lincoln Continental, one of my favourite die-cast toys as a kid in the Sixties. Just how many different screens were there?
credit: die cast investor
Yep, funny thing clowns. They engender happiness and sadness in equal measure and Stephen's paradoxical Jailed one is not so far off the mark after all. Corgi the clown has been trapped in his Limousine for 50 years! Just can't recall how it lit up. You?
Stephen Lack
Jailed Clown
Lincoln Continental TV clown
Now this has given me an idea!