Check out Santa's scooter! By Masudaya for Illfelder, its straight from Fireball XL5 and clearly inspired by Steve Zodiac's scooter.
We've seen something like before on MC. There's a Snoopy version out there and here's a snap from one 'Steve Zodiac' from a decade ago comparing a large Space Scooter by Amico to the much smaller but highly collectable Golden Gate Fireball XL5 Scooter.
The Fairylite Jetmobile comes without Zoony but does look nevertheless rather spiffing too.
There is also a fabulous Venus version of the Fairylite Jetmobile pictured on the ever-informative Alphadrome site
Anyone got either of the Fairylite vehicles and the Golden Gate JetMobile? Are they a similar size? Any chance of a snap of the them together?
Anyone got anything like this design at all?