Me and Moonbase Junior love spiders.
We call them Spider Brains. Anything they leave behind we call Spider Guts.
Spider Brains are divided into Thinnies and Fatties.
Thinnies have taken over most houses here in Northern England I reckon. They've eaten all the old fashioned house spiders, the Fatties.
Thinnies rule the house and preside from high corners.
Apparently they have terrible venom but don't bite people!
Fatties are rarer. Usurped.
We look for them in the garden and using a torch ...
the shed!
This big fatty was sat on his web in the corner of our old shed. I've no idea what he or she eats since there are no other insects in there!
Their patience in waiting for food reminds of those other stoics of nature, the Venus Fly Trap.
These were dead popular when I was a kid. I was fascinated by them. I remember feeding mine bits of meat like sausage and liver! I think I made mine ill.
I doubt this stimulated its carnivory as they eat only live insects. Movement is part of the dance, the twitches of death!
Despite garden centres being choc-ful of Fly Traps they are endangered in the wilds of Carolina.
Native American Indians knew them as Tippitywitch. What a brilliant name!
I've been reading that the closed trap forms a hermetic seal and becomes a small stomach, where the doomed flies are blended. Yuk! Just the kind of stuff I loved as kid!
This just has to have been the inspiration for Sarlac's pit in Star wars do you think?
The Fly-trap is deffo the inspiration for Mickey Rourke's tyrant king's helmet in the film the Immortals do you reckon?
So, did you like spiders, insects and Venus Fly Traps as a kid readers?
What's the worst creepy crawly in your neck of the woods?