This Andy Pandy saucer came my way a few weeks back when I took Moonbase Junior to a local car boot sale. He was looking for Pokemon cards. I got Andy.
Andy Pandy was part of my early childhood, as he was I'm sure part of many MB readers'.
The saucer's cute picture shows Andy, Louby Lou and an unnamed teddy. I don't recall the teddy. Was the ted a regular?
Andy's show is a bit murky in my memory now. I'm pretty sure it was part of the black and white TV programme Watch with Mother. But what else was in the programme? Was Andy it?
For some reason I get Bill and Ben skipping into my Pandy memories too. Did Andy and the Flowerpot Men team up? Louby Lou and Weed?
I could Google all this but I'll ask you, the real experts! You were there too!