The Missus and I spent a happy day on Thursday rummaging in the charity and vintage shops scattered around festive Harrogate town centre here in Yorkshire.
One shop of note was Space, a vintage and retro specialist store crammed full of Sixties and Seventies bric a brac.
This is just the entrance area.
As I'm always looking for Project SWORD badges this pile drew me in. No SWORD but I could see ET and Stingray.
Whilst in Space I bought a nice red Superfast truck, which just needed a tiny bit of paint touching-up using my new acrylic paint pens I got for Xmas from Wotan. Whilst doing that I got stuck into some of the old die-casts I got over December.
I now have a good stock of paint pens and sharpies. Reds, blues, blacks get the best results. Yellow and orange remain tricky and I haven't yet got the right shades for all the yellows and oranges that Dinky and Corgi used back then.