This morning we were very nearly scammed on Facebook. Sellers beware!
These scammers attempt to 'buy' bigger ticket items for sale like the antique bed and desk we're selling and then attempt to bamboozle you with an excess of badly-worded bullsh*t linked to a fake courier and money straight from a monopoly game.
As we are selling two items we were very quickly 'hit' at least three times by 3 different scammers all working to the same sad tune, which appears to be sending some shady 'postman' round with some toytown dosh and a dodgy van.
Checking the scam online it would appear that said shady van man actually hands over a phoney cheque in an envelope and takes the goods, said cheque bouncing all the way to the circus.
It seemed completely kosher at first and alas the first contact got an email and postal address out of my Missus, as it appeared like a normal FB transaction, but very quickly the 'buyer' became as pushy as hell, almost demanding we confirm that we've read the courier's website [fake] and authorise the purchase.
At this point the rat was distinctly smelled.
The second and third scammers attempted the same schtick. A pack of rats stinking to high heaven!
Have you come across this scamming scum and villainy readers?