I half remember these arty crones, the Colour Witch. I'm pretty convinced I had them as a lad in the late Sixties. Anything to do with monsters! Its those little cauldrons that really ring a bell. They would have fit in perfectly with other creepy stuff like the game Which Witch/ Haunted House at the time.
We've mentioned them in passing a few times on Moonbase over the years. Do you remember them? The only place I could find images - from a decade ago - is on the Do you Remember forum! [hope they don't mins me re-posting them]. These are elusive witches and perfect for a Halloween re-paint.
Colour Witch was released by Joyment, a firm I don't know much about.
I do know they made Dizzy Bug though, another great toy game I had back then. I had one right up to about 2015 I think but sold it on. Doh!
Did you Dizzy Bug?
Did you have any other Joyment toys?