Further to pictures from Japan last month of the original Imai SWORD model vehicles, here are some more of Imai's Thunderbird Secret Doom Center. An epic contraption, I would say its more like a toy than a model kit. Everything seems pre-biult or is this one a biult-up? With everything pre-coloured it looks so much better than the pictures I've seen of the modern Carlton UFO Moonbase re-release of a similar kit. Am I wrong?
The box looks huge and impressive and you can see the free poster that comes with it, which I assume is card. I wonder if Imai actually meant DOOM and not DOME? The picture of the red and yellow Moon Crawler is the best yet with all its antenna and shovels attached. The Scramble Bug comes with a small antenna and the Moon prospector has overturned!
I would still love to see clear big close-ups of each of these three models on the blog. Can anyone help?