Rain, rain, rain .....
Where's my umbrella?
One from the 80's was that fishy foe of Gotham, The Penguin, who had a brolly [is that the same as an umbrella?] I recall when cast in plastic for the DC Super Heroes range by Toy Biz.
Here's an image of one I saw on Ebay.
In fact around 2004 I once bought a whole bag full of around twenty loose ones to sell on my old vintage toy stall!
Since writing this on MC in 2017 I was chuffed today to find this picture, below, in my archive of one of my old loose Toy Biz Penguin umbrellas that I bought a bag-full of! You can see the central hole, so they must have been the missile firing version.
According to DC in the 80's "Toy Biz released three different versions packaged with different variants of the umbrella weapon: an umbrella that shot a 3/4" missile, an umbrella that shot a 1 1/2" missile, and an umbrella that simply shot off it's umbrella top. Wizard Magazine reported that the 3/4" missile variant was the scarcer one in the early 90s, so at the time that was the one selling at the highest value."
Reading this I wonder if the above carded Penguin has been mis- carded? It says 'missile firing' but there's no hole in the umbrella. Strange! Anyone any the wiser?