Years ago the LN LP rolling puppy toy emerged and was of immediate interest to LP toy fans.
Over the years various carded and boxed LP and LN versions have popped up. Paul V discovered that the spherical rollers underneath were used also used as space domes no less!
Wanting to find more and googling for rolling animals and rolling eyes this year I stumbled on several auctions for an intriguing old Ukrainian relative of the rolling puppy. At 11 inches long its much bigger and has a pull-along string. The spherical roller also rolls it along and provides moving eyes just like the LN LP pups.
Looking for old roller toys in general I found this 'friction roller toy' fish in a neat baggy with a cute header reminoscent of the LN Cartoon Animals header at the top of the post.
Rather than a roller ball the fish has a small friction drive unit that inserts into its base.
My final roll in this post is a new sighting of an LP style rolling puppy. In fact its two, 6.5 inches long, hooked together. I saw them on Ebay USA. I can't see an LP logo but that could just be the photo quality. Have you anything like this readers? A headed bag or maybe a box?