Is it just me or is Christmas TV in the UK utterly rubbish?
I know there's a global pandemic and shows can't be made like they were, if at all, but there are literally millions of old shows, series and films that could be shown that aren't complete trash.
OK, to give BBC4 its due, on Christmas Eve there were a few Mark Gatiss repeated ghost stories late on, for which I was truly thankful for, but these appeared to be a rare example of TV programmers actually scheduling anything different for Christmas.
The same old gaggle of tired comedians, inane minor celebrities, endless repeats and reality re-runs, not to mention exactly the same dire barrel-scrapers like Knives With Wives on just the same as if Christmas didn't exist at all.
What the hell happened? When I was a kid there were just three channels for God's sake, but the programmers managed to show, over the Christmas holiday, every Sinbad film, every Hammer horror, every Buster Keaton comedy, every Laurel and Hardy show, a full run of Flash Gordon and for monster nuts they even made their own ghost stories just for Christmas Eve.
Has Christmas programming on 'normal' channels hit rock bottom or am I missing something here?
Do I have to sell my soul to Sky, Netflix, SkyNet and Cyberdyne to get any proper Christmas telly?