Here's a closer look at yesterday's German car boot €10 bargain haul of old cars and VHS.
Lots of SIKU, some Matchbox and a Japanese Hinshei crane.
The SIKU vehicles, like the yellow tow truck and the orange trailer, are really solid. All of them say made in Germany so are post-unification in 1989. Exact dates I'm unsure of.
I love the SIKU ADAC Prufdienst trailer, in which cars drive through to be checked! The Crane to the right is Japanese, my first MINI Power vehicle.
Here's some odds n odds too. Apart from the helicopter rotor I don't recognize any of the spare parts. You?
For the old big box* VHS videos I got - one of my collecting passions - I chose this lovely 1880 cabinet in the flat to photograph them.
Eh voila!
I had thought they were all unrated, i.e. no age limit marked on them, which in the UK is known as pre- cert or pre-certificate and typically early to mid 1980's, but these German big boxes are all age rated.
At this point I'm sure if unrated videos exist in Germany. Do they exist in your country readers?
* Big box refers to the much bigger boxes of early VHS video cassettes from the 1980's. They can be solid plastic/ thick card or slightly padded plastic clamshells.
Have you got any readers?