In 2015 I posted an obscure plastic bubble bath toy inspired by Jules Verne's Nautilus.
Peering further into Jules I discovered the designs and oeuvre of Czech Libuše Niklová described as the 'world queen of toys'. She is seen as an icon of accordion-based plastic toy design.
According to Wikipedia the Nautilus was a Vernian toy she designed for Fatra Napajedla in 1966. Niklová designed 3 toys based on Jules Verne’s novels: Nautilus, Albatros [from Robur the Conquerer] and Epouvante [the Terror from Master of the World]
Designed for Expo 1967 in Montreal, Canada, they didn't appear due to the previous Czech regime's politics [they were seen as too Western]. Eventually they got into production, the Nautilus in 1967, The Terror or Epouvante didn't get further than a prototype.
You can read more on the website devoted to this famous Czech designer.
There are quite a few video's featuring her work on You Tube like this one
Here are some pictures of the beautiful blue plastic Libuše Niklová Nautilus from the net.
Have you got one?