Looking into the legs of the JR21 Thunderbird 2 I couldn't help noticing the Land Rovers too [referred to as a Jeep as well].
The Land Rover was issued with the JR21 version of TB2 and not the initial British HPM TB2, which had a mole.
Its 2.75 inches long.
The colours I can find online are:
[not sure if this is a real JR21 Land Rover?]
and Red
Back in 2012 over very own Scoop pictured both his green and red Land Rovers, together with the HPM mole.
Over at the Big Red Toy Box you can get three different coloured repro windscreens ...
and as is made clear there, the grey windscreen is for another TB2 Land rover, the Spanish version by MOLTO.
The Molto Land Rover is also 2.75 inches long like the JR21 original.
I also spotted this 'white' MOLTO Land Rover, but I think it may just be a trick of the light and its actually a grey one.
Are there any other Thunderbird 2 Land Rovers out there?