I'm unsure what I think about urban explorers. I can certainly see the attraction of exploring abandoned buildings but at the same time I'm sheepish about the invasive nature of it all.
Not too far from Moonbase is a well-visited and notorious derelict home known as the Doctor's House in Doncaster, which has attracted no end of curious invaders. I found at least 8 videos online on the place just looking now, its mixture of rusting cars and tragic backstory proving irresistible to explorers.
The collector in me needs to rummage. I understand that. I'm just not sure about going into abandoned homes. I'm not sure I would want to do it.
Having said that I have done it once. I'm pretty sure because of the position of the abandoned building thousands of tourists had as well. It was abandoned artist's house on a remote shore. It was exposed to the elements and salted gusts. That was in the early 1990's on the island of Mull.
Anyways, there are thousands of reports from modern urban explorers online and here's just one from Freaktography about a old residence full of old toys. No idea where it is. Quite sad to see really.
Tell us what you think readers.