This space boat looked familiar when I saw it on the Bay this year.
Its Japanese, by Bandai and the arrowhead decals suggest Mighty Jack. No idea what this vehicle is called. You?
It does remind me of another futuristic boat we've featured before.
The Wasser Spinne or Water Spider.
Two versions were released, one by T in a Circle [Tai Hing] and the other Yone I think.
We've covered the Wasser Spinne many times and one bloglet was in 2014:
The Mighty Jack boat at the top also nods towards the worlds of Gerry Anderson I would say. There's a look of Stingray in there and even a hint of the Project SWORD Scout 1[below] with those distinctive side engines.
Side nacelles like these were a favourite of TV21 illustrators and none moreso than the great Mike Noble who's 1966 Sea Bug used them to full effect.
Having corresponded with Mike, both he and I are in agreement that his design could well have been the inspiration for the Scout 1 toy.