Eons ago in a distant teenage world I bought The Studio.
The Studio was a softback coffee table book about four artists.
Its cover is imprinted on my brain.
The four artists were Bernie Wrightson, Mike Kaluta, Barry Windsor-Smith and one Jeff Jones, all working together in an art commune in Chelsea, New York.
I adored all four tremendously but the gentle strokes of Jeff Jones made a real impression.
Jeff often blended veils of roses and petals with startlingly beautiful ladies. Jeff's work recalled the Pre-Raphealites like Dante Gabriel Rossetti, who I adored.
I loved The Studio so much that I committed the ultimate sacrilege and cut out some Jeff Jones' pictures for my cork pin board in my flat.
I still have The Studio but I would have to check the inside cover to see if its my original book.
Its funny how time telescopes what you know. I thought my Studio thoughts were neatly packaged but had to add to it this year.
Jeff Jones became Jeffrey Catherine Jones some time after The Studio. It makes sense to me now that those gentle washed-out maidens in his paintings where created by a feminine sensibility. They certainly were a adorable homage to womanhood.
Jeffrey Catherine Jones sadly died in 2011.
Did you like The Studio, Jones' work or any of the Studio artists?