Aware that not everyone has had a good Christmas, not by a long chalk - with illness, COVID, leaks and terrible snow storms - I just want to wish you all, allover the globe, a very merry remaining ten days of Christmas.
In my own wider family, my brother and nephew have been struck with Corona, sending them into bedroom isolation. In my immediate family, my Missus, Son in Law. Grandson and granddaughter were all felled by a really nasty cold virus. They powered through and we did spend Christmas together but our Granddaughter was too ill to join in. She went to the Docs this morning and is now on antibiotics and hopefully on the mend for New Year.
Me and the Missus are enjoying Boxing Day at Moonbase, watching first that musical morality tale Oliver Twist, a Victorian Christmas classic and now Peter Cushing's Dr. Who and the Daleks, where Peter C also dresses like a Victorian!
Produced by AARU - who were they? - we've never seen this Dalek movie before. I wuz 4 in 1965 and never caught it up and my Missus was 2. It seems to be universally disliked according to Wikipedia but we're enjoying it. The Dalek planet landscape of mountains looks great! Is that Skaro?
Seeing a colour Doctor Who flick at the cinema must have been thrilling for young Who fans at the time. Unless of course you were a Thal! Did any of you see it?
Even the Eagle comic gets a look-in at the start, the Doc reading one in his living room. I wonder which edition it was?
Enjoy the rest of Boxing Day. If you can.
As the Daleks would say: one day we will climb those stairs too!