These are the various Project SWORD metallic/ chromed clones.
About 15 years ago Dennis Nicholson sent me some photo's of a his friend Kelly Lannan's beautiful and unique metallic gold Task Force 3. I have wondered about it ever since. Is it a knockoff or is it a colour variant from Tarheel? There is no maker's mark or number on the undercarraige so no clues there.
In 2011 Bill kindly photoshopped a dome into place for me and we can see what it looked like completed below. I have inserted John Eaton's latest fabulous pictures of the new silver Task Force 3 for comparison. What differences can you see?
Bill B mentioned that he had owned a rare metallic blue Task Force 1. We were treated to an Ebay picture of Bill's toy - below - yesterday and also when the blog first launched. Could this be related to the two metallic silver/ gold Task Force 3's we now know of? Was it carded? Some evidence of all of them having backing cards came in Patron Zero's comment on the blog in 2014 here.
Daydreaming further I have photoshopped two of the loose toys together into the same shot to help you decide yourselves. I have added a Tarheel logo simply as garnish, no other reason. If all of the metallic SWORD toys are related then the next question is whether there is a metallic Task Force 2 as well? The mind boggles! What do you think readers?
and yep, here's Task Force 2 chromed as well, missing its dome!
I'm certain there's a silver chromed Task Force 1 on the blog but can I find it! It would complete the silver trio! ADDENDUM: Here it is courtesy of Paul Vreede's SpaceX Toys website:
As to whether these beauties are American Tarheel toys I'm still not sure. You?
If you have one or any of these then pictures please!