I really like all these vehicle designs.
Long and sleek. Which is your favourite?
Damnation Alley's Landmaster
How Wheels Hot Lines
Ark II
2001 Moon Bus [Matte Shot]
I really like all these vehicle designs.
Long and sleek. Which is your favourite?
Damnation Alley's Landmaster
How Wheels Hot Lines
Ark II
2001 Moon Bus [Matte Shot]
My home-made Revvers Camper caravan is finished.
It's not that great at all but it was fun to do and something that I'll never own for real. Hope you like it.
Here's Mattel's super cool vintage original with the Nomad pulling, my inspiration.
Here's my home-made caravan with a Nomad rod.
The wheels are Lego with a redline drawn on.
To emulate the metal base I used baco-foil. I opted for simple stick-on 'windows' and kept it to a minimum. It was the last thing I did at midnight last night!
My wheels stick out a lot but I quite like the dragster look it's created!