Occasionally Project SWORD box art was lifted for other stuff.
One such lift was for the 1969 cover of the Randy Rayder in Outer Space LP, which borrowed the illustration of Probe Force 1.
The gatefold LP by See Disc also contained a colour comic to go with the talking record, in which Probe Force 1 is called Athena.
You can hear Athena being introduced here courtesy of Amazon:
You can hear the aliens talking a little bit here too:
I don't have this LP and have been trying to find a decent MP3 to download for the blog but as yet no luck.
The LP itself is one for completist Project SWORD collectors who fancy going off the beaten track a bit. There are plenty for sale online.
I've blogged about Randy a couple of times before. Follow the 'labels' below.
Let me know if you have one and what you think.