Given the recent post on the Eagle comic, I thought you might like to see my Corgi Eagle Dan Dare set, number 98965, which I picked up at a collector's fair a few years ago.
It is a Limited Edition of 7500, mine being number 6004. Dan Dare appears on a yellow and silver Volkswagen van, and the Mekon on a green and purple Bedford CA van. The copyright date on the box is 1991. Corgi planned, but never released, a Dan Dare spaceship/car number C278 in 1981.
There is a photo of the prototype in The Great Book of Corgi, by Corgi Chief Designer Marcel R. Van Cleemput.
I found my Eagle Annuals. In flipping through Number 8 which I think was 1957/58 I came across these nice SF illustrations so thought I would share them with you.
#3 is a moon rocket that may carry a nuclear warhead, hardly Dan Dare