Not sure if these cute plastic jazz animals by LP have appeared here before.
Yep, they're by our fave astronaut makers LP!
They seem to have popped up on auctions quite a lot. These pics are from archived Worthpoint and Ebay.
They're really quite detailed and well thought out. I can see them being collectable.
Here's a shot of six figures that were on Worthpoint, who described them as follows:
[I have added the missing animals and likely model numbers in brackets. Woodsy]
"The 2 1/4" figures are marked IDL, Hong Kong and are each numbered.
No. A1 is an alligator playing an accordion;
[A2 Tuba Playing Piglet]
[A3 Banjo Playing Frog]
No. A4 is a bear playing a cello;
No. A5 is a frog playing a banjo;
No. A6 is a bunny playing a saxophone;
No. A7 is a monkey playing the drums;
[A8 Harp playing Cat]
[A9 Fiddle playing Hippo]
No. A10 is an elephant playing a guitar."
I've read that there are 10 different figures in all.
Search for both LP and IDL jazz band animals when looking for these online. Many sellers refer to the LP logo as IDL.
It'd be great to find examples of all 10 figures if anyone has them.
I bet they're on Hugh's ace Small Scale Word site but I couldn't find them.
Anyone got these jazzers?