We had a swell time today in Barnsley. We've not been to the South Yorkshire metropole for ages. It was fun.
Things we saw on our stroll round include:
Halloween masks made by ....
..... Lone Star! Really? It says Wetherby! That's Leeds, up the road from Moonbase!
The shop window of one of several sci-fi and fantasy shops, Red Robot is a new comic shop and its window display was great!
The 1970's Graphic Novel Dracula to the right could be one I had as a kid. It must be one of the earliest graphic novels that.
I like the stormtrooper reading Black Hammer! That's a comic I don't know.
Alas, I was so loaded up with stuff [more on this to come] that I couldn't really go in. Next time Red Robot.
More treasures in the middle, Eerie comic [a later one], carded Universal Monsters [are those the Burger King figures from years ago being recycled?] and EC Comics Vault of Horror collected. The Planet of the Apes jigsaw far right was £40!
Perhaps the most startling thing we saw in Barnsley was what was showing at the town's Parkway cinema.
2001 A Space Odyssey no less!
I had to look twice. Apparently the Parkway is one of the few cinemas around that can show the 70mm film. On tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday. £9.
Alas, we can't go. Childminding for half-term!
Besides the above there are loads of great charity shops - and I mean loads - and a really ace second hand toy stall on the market.
I'll photograph our haul and post as soon as.