However, once in a while a modern comic attracts my interest.
Although it came out a few years ago now, The Ministry of Space was an irregular three part comic mini series beginning in April 2001 and finally ending in April 2004.
Warren Ellis had the idea for the comic while cleaning out his loft. He found a reprinted copy of a Dan Dare story, The Man from Nowhere. Although, in the fifties it was science fiction now in 2000 it could be seen as an alternative history - a time where Britain had led and won the space race!
The Dan Dare story was written at a time when Britain was recovering following the Second World War. It carried a strong sense of patriotism and an open optimism for the future.
The Ministry of Space carried a darker message and replaced that patriotism with jingoism, and the optimism with good old fashioned British cynicism.
So what’s it all about?
Soon British pilots have broken the sound barrier, manned space stations and landed on the Moon and Mars.
The twist in the tale is the source of the funding and the price paid for progress!